The land department at Trepco Production Company, Inc. is dedicated to addressing transfers of interest and other issues of concern for our mineral and leasehold owners. Address changes are usually implemented on the day we receive written notice. Transfers of interest are scrutinized for appropriate documentation before we can implement the transfer in our system. Regardless of the effective date shown in the document, Trepco will only recognize changes in ownership after notification has been received in our office by mail, fax or email. Listed below are some of the more common situations that result in either a change of ownership, or a change to the owner status. There may be some differences in the requirements due to laws in particular jurisdictions. All change must be submitted in writing and mailed to:
9320 NW Expressway
Yukon, OK 73099
Attn: Division Orders
Should you require additional information, please feel free to contact our Owner Relations either by phone at (405) 722-1400, by Fax at (405) 722-7215, or e-mail through our Contact Us page.
All payees are required to provide a social security, or tax identification number or Fedral Law requires a thirty-one percent (31%) witholding tax.
All Changes of ownership must be filed of record in the County where the property is located
Laws of agency preclude us from providing forms for conveying real property interests. However, you may contact an attorney, Legal Aid Society, or your local Bar Association for assistance in handling these matters.
Address changes cannot be handled by telephone requests.
All requested changes will apply on the next billing cycle.
Retain your check details for future reference.
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